A night club run with & for adults with a range of disabilities

Charity number 1184479
Join in
Wanna get rockin' with us?
To join in our club nights, simply turn up! It's free!
For the Rockin' Roadrunner festival simply come along - it's free too!
See below for other ways you can get involved.

Can you help us?
One thing we can all do when we shop with our favourite retailers.
Choose from over 2,700 retailers. Retailers will donate, at no cost to you, every time you buy something.
It's a great way to help us raise funds!
If anyone can help with transport we can always do with help, please get in touch with Nikki to chat further.
Thankyou, we promise we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Raise money as you shop
The Rockin Roadrunner events team are always on the look out for Bands, Singers, Musicians, Face Painters, Artists, Stage Crew, volunteers, to perform and help out at our clubnights and Festivals.
If you think you may be interested ...
Rockin' Roadrunner are on the look out for talent